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Enhanced dynamic sign language recognition using slowfast networks

Published in IEEE, 2021

A. Hassan, A. Elgabry and E. Hemayed, “Enhanced Dynamic Sign Language Recognition using SlowFast Networks,” 2021 17th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO) [Paper] [Code]

Recommended citation: A. Hassan, A. Elgabry and E. Hemayed, "Enhanced Dynamic Sign Language Recognition using SlowFast Networks," 2021 17th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), Cairo, Egypt, 2021, pp. 124-128, doi: 10.1109/ICENCO49852.2021.9698904.

Not All Counterhate Tweets Elicit the Same Replies: A Fine-Grained Analysis

Published in ACL, 2023

Abdullah Albanyan, Ahmed Hassan, and Eduardo Blanco. 2023. Not All Counterhate Tweets Elicit the Same Replies: A Fine-Grained Analysis. In Proceedings of the 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023) [Paper]

Recommended citation: Abdullah Albanyan, Ahmed Hassan, and Eduardo Blanco. 2023. Not All Counterhate Tweets Elicit the Same Replies: A Fine-Grained Analysis. In Proceedings of the 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023)

Finding Authentic Counterhate Arguments: A Case Study with Public Figures

Published in EMNLP, 2023

Abdullah Albanyan, Ahmed Hassan, and Eduardo Blanco. 2023. Finding Authentic Counterhate Arguments: A Case Study with Public Figures. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. [Paper]

Recommended citation: Abdullah Albanyan, Ahmed Hassan, and Eduardo Blanco. 2023. Finding Authentic Counterhate Arguments: A Case Study with Public Figures. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.

